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Olga Brednikova
Project coordinator
Olga works at CISR and collaborates with the European University at St. Petersburg.

In the project, Olga explores cross-border practices and the neighborship phenomenon in Imatra and Lappeenranta (Finland), Svetogorsk and Vyborg (Russia). Olga also takes part in the sub-project "Neighborness in a metropolis" and is interested in neighbors' micro-interactions and diary method in application to the studies of neighborness. She does research in Obvodny Kanal, an old city district, and in Parnas, a new residential area at the city's outskirts.

Oksana Zaporozhets
Project Manager
PhD in social sciences (kandidat nauk), leading researcher at Higher School of Economics (Moscow). Oksana explores the city and its residents and the processes of their continuous recreation of each other.

In the project, Oksana works on the theme "Neighborness as co-presence" and studies the interpenetration and mutual influence of Finland and Russia.

Elena Bogdanova
PhD (kandidat nauk), researcher at CISR, RANEPA and EUSPb. Elena is engaged, among other things, in the studies of justice and regulatory systems and writes a book about complaints in the USSR and Russia.

In the project, Lena explores the practices of self-organization of neighbors in Petrogradsky as one of the oldest districts of St. Petersburg, and takes part also in the study "Neighborness through time" in Pervomayskoe, Leningrad region.

Olga Davydova-Minguet
PhD, associate professor at the Karelian Institute of the University of Eastern Finland. Olga studies transnational memory politics in the border regions of Finland and Russia.

In the project, she works on the theme of the everyday border neighborness in Tohmajärve, Finland

Virpi Kaisto
Researcher at the Karelian Institute of the University of Eastern Finland. Virpi writes her PhD thesis on the everyday life of residents of the Russian-Finnish borderland.

In the project, in partnership with Olga Brednikova, she studies the transboundary neighborship in Imatra and Lappeenranta (Finland) and Svetogorsk and Vyborg (Russia).

Ekaterina Melnikova
Ph.D. in historic sciences, heads the department of ethnography of Eastern Slavs and peoples of the European part of Russia at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) and is a researcher at the European University at St. Petersburg.

Ekaterina's research is related to the former Finnish Karelia (Northern Priladozhie) and the heritage of these territories. She participates in the theme "Neighborhood through time" and writes about Finnish cemeteries in Russia.

Elena Nikiforova
Researcher at CISR, studies borders, boundaries and their effects in various areas, from international migration to the politics of memory and identity in the borderlands. In the project, Elena is working on the theme of collective memory as a factor of neighbor relations, with a focus on the borderlands.

She is also interested in neighborship practices in the apartment blocks built in St. Petersburg by Finnish developers.

Pirje Pölannen
Ph.D., works at the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu. Pirje develops the methodology of everyday ethnography and she has conducted a number of projects on migration and neighborness in the border areas of North Karelia.

In the project, Pirjo works on the border neighborness in Tohmajärve, Finland.

Olga Tkach
Researcher at CISR, PhD (kandidat nauk). Olga's research interests include migration and mobility, domestic work and home, and various aspects of everyday life.

In the project, she studies the neighborness in new large residential complexes of St. Petersburg.

Marina Hakkarainen
PhD (kandidat nauk, ethnography, ethnology, anthropology), associated researcher at the anthropology department of the European University at St. Petersburg, researcher in international projects.

Her research interests are migration and mobility, post-Soviet economy and inter-ethnic relations, everyday economy, physicality. In the project, she works on the theme 'The presence of the "Finnish neighbor" and interaction with the "Finnishness" in St. Petersburg'.

Invited researchers
Olga Belichenko
Anthropologist, PhD student at the University of Ca'Foscari (Venice, Italy), associate researcher and secretary of the urban seminar at the European University at St. Petersburg. In the project, she works on the theme "Imaginary Neighborship" on the materials of Zelenogorsk (previously - Terijoki), a small town in Leningrad region with the Finnish past and analyzes narratives about town's history and space.

Elvira Gizatullina
Independent urban researcher in academic and applied projects, a member of the Open City Laboratory team.
TIn the project, she works on the theme "Neighborhood in the city" and explores how the digital neighborhood functions in the new residential areas of St. Petersburg, using the example of the residential complex "North Valley".

Olga Gromasheva
Sociologist, PhD student at the University of Wageningen (Holland).

In the project, she works on "Neighborness in a metropolis" city" and studies the role of social networks in neighbor interactions of the residents of Kudrovo, a new residential area just behind the St. Petersburg city borders.

Lyubov Chernysheva
Sociologist, graduate student at the University of Amsterdam (UvA, the Netherlands) and the Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg). In the project, she works on "Neighborness in a metropolis' and explores the digital neighborship in new residential complexes and communal apartments in St. Petersburg as well as develops the strategy of digital ethnography.

Irina Shirobokova
Researcher at CISR, works as a researcher and project coordinator in Russia, post-Soviet space, and Scandinavia. Her interests lay at the intersections of human geography, urban studies, and art-science. In the project, she works on "Neighborness in a metropolis" and conducts the case studies of co-livings in St. Petersburg and Helsinki.

Lilia Voronkova
Art curator of the project
Art-curator of the project, social anthropologist, researcher, curator of educational and research projects in the field of urban studies. Lilia curated several exhibition projects in St. Petersburg and Berlin that combined social sciences and art.

Lera Lerner
Curator of the final exhibition
Artist, curator, founder of the Imaginary Museum of Displaced Persons, works in the social-poetic art.

Tatyana Shishova
Art curator of the project
Sociologist, art historian, manager and curator of exhibitions and educational projects in the field of contemporary art.
